Why SCA? by @health_scare

Joel Buckley






By Joel Buckley


It’s struck me this week just how nuts this environment is.


I may be a bit slow on this, but I feel it’s worth saying.


At the SCA, we are privy to some of the finest minds in advertising past and present. They come to our space, on their time, and give us their considerably valuable pearls of wisdom, insight, contacts and encouragement – five days a week, on tap.


This week I’ve spoken to ECD’s, Agency owners, UX pro’s and award winning creative teams, and I’ve got crucial insights that will help my D&AD chances, and advice and contacts that will help my career options.


Looking through the calendar for the rest of the week it is crazy how many top-notch people we get to meet.


I went to Falmouth last week on a mini holiday. It’s a nice place and they have a good ad school there. But. It’s a long, long way from the action and there is no way they (or any other ad school) could ever replicate the value that is added by the constant close contact with the industry that we get at SCA.


I read in their literature about a few agencies who make the trip down and look at their books for the day. Hey Falmouth, we get that every day.


If you are reading this and considering the SCA as a place to learn advertising and you choose to go somewhere else instead, then good luck, you’ll need it.

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