By Matt Butler
*give or take 47…
– Before you read this, read Dennis’ SCAB, it’s awesome: http://bit.ly/1Uk3nQi
- I’ve been trying out a new form of brain training, where I barely engage my brain at all. I make unfiltered ‘decisions’ based entirely on my gut and instincts and have been open to some remarkable things. I need to keep this up!
- A better idea of what my processes are and why. The why is probably the most important part.
- Decide which Creative Directors I want to work for. I guess it’s almost like choosing a partner,
except the ball is definitely more in their court than mine.
- A rap name – all suggestions are welcome, please comment below. I’m very serious.
- An EP, something with a small collection of songs, but songs that really mean a lot to me.
- A short film (that’s at least under construction…I really want to direct).
- Get a book in Cream.
- A kick-ass speech for my brother’s wedding – either spoken word or otherwise.
- Job offers from the places I really want to work.
- A partner that I’m ‘married’ to…creatively of course. Unless they look, sound and smell like
Rihanna, then I’d definitely get down on one knee – that’s not weird right?
- To go to a city I’ve never been to before – I really need to get out of London.
- To talk to my classmates at the pub on Fridays, about things that have nothing to do with
- To go to different pubs in Brixton with my classmates – drunken dots.
- To be honest with myself more, and everyone else. I’m an honest person but there’s room for
- Concept a replacement to the Microwave that doesn’t put radiation into our bodies.
- Teach my little brother how to shave.
- Bend my knees without them sounding like popping candy.
- Work with everyone in the class, even if for a few hours on something not advertising related.
- Bring more ethnic diversity to the industry, especially female ethnic diversity.
- Get to know my classmates a little better – we’re still not as tight-knit as we may have expected
to be.
- A masterclass from Rory Sutherland – pretty please??
- A rap name – I know I said this before but I’m really struggling guys.
- Learn to love reading.
- Every weekday I’m surrounded by people who I think have more talent than they realise. I’d
love to see them flourish by exploring these outside the school.
- Music collab with Ben, Tristan, Six Part Soul…
- Make the Custom Clothes app with Suki
- Experience VR
- Write a short film script
- Go to the discounted bar in the Houses of Parliament and re-COUP some of my taxes.
- Be beach body ready.
- Make money…money to spend on trainers and food.
- Spend no more than 3 hours a day in the studio
- Live everyday like it’s 1999.
- Watch the Lion King again.
- Have a chat with Ed Morris – he seems like a super cool guy
- Get in the news for something that positively defines culture
- Go to a gig and get invited on stage to ‘spray the mic’.
- Grow plants in my room
- Wear socks that actually match
- Make more friends…more life-long friends
- Get our ‘Black Lives Matter x Monotype’ idea made with the help of SpikeLeeDDB
- Go vintage Tommy Hilfiger shopping with Angus
- Go to an Arsenal match
- Talk to, *ehem*, the Mandem on the block about their dreams and hopefully inspire them to
reach them.
- See my new nephew
- Sing a Frank Ocean Cover and put it on Youtube.
- Watch The Lion King again.
- Spend less time on social media and more time just being social.
- Feature in a podcast where I mimic famous people’s accents
- Get back to church.
- Play 007 Goldeneye on Nintendo64
- Have enough stamina to swim a length in a moderately sized pool.
- Learn how to sample like Kanye West.
- Get to the bottom of why people love Hummus so much.
- See Kendrick Lamar live in London