Matt Butler

By Matt Butler



*give or take 47…


– Before you read this, read Dennis’ SCAB, it’s awesome:

  1. I’ve been trying out a new form of brain training, where I barely engage my brain at all. I make unfiltered ‘decisions’ based entirely on my gut and instincts and have been open to some remarkable things. I need to keep this up!
  2. A better idea of what my processes are and why. The why is probably the most important part.
  3. Decide which Creative Directors I want to work for. I guess it’s almost like choosing a partner,

    except the ball is definitely more in their court than mine.

  4. A rap name – all suggestions are welcome, please comment below. I’m very serious.
  5. An EP, something with a small collection of songs, but songs that really mean a lot to me.
  6. A short film (that’s at least under construction…I really want to direct).
  7. Get a book in Cream.
  8. A kick-ass speech for my brother’s wedding – either spoken word or otherwise.
  9. Job offers from the places I really want to work.
  10. A partner that I’m ‘married’ to…creatively of course. Unless they look, sound and smell like

    Rihanna, then I’d definitely get down on one knee – that’s not weird right?

  11. To go to a city I’ve never been to before – I really need to get out of London.
  12. To talk to my classmates at the pub on Fridays, about things that have nothing to do with


  13. To go to different pubs in Brixton with my classmates – drunken dots.
  14. To be honest with myself more, and everyone else. I’m an honest person but there’s room for


  15. Concept a replacement to the Microwave that doesn’t put radiation into our bodies.
  16. Teach my little brother how to shave.
  17. Bend my knees without them sounding like popping candy.
  18. Work with everyone in the class, even if for a few hours on something not advertising related.
  19. Bring more ethnic diversity to the industry, especially female ethnic diversity.
  20. Get to know my classmates a little better – we’re still not as tight-knit as we may have expected

    to be.

  21. A masterclass from Rory Sutherland – pretty please??
  22. A rap name – I know I said this before but I’m really struggling guys.
  23. Learn to love reading.
  24. Every weekday I’m surrounded by people who I think have more talent than they realise. I’d

    love to see them flourish by exploring these outside the school.

  25. Music collab with Ben, Tristan, Six Part Soul…
  26. Make the Custom Clothes app with Suki
  27. Experience VR
  28. Write a short film script
  29. Go to the discounted bar in the Houses of Parliament and re-COUP some of my taxes.
  30. Be beach body ready.
  31. Make money…money to spend on trainers and food.
  32. Spend no more than 3 hours a day in the studio
  33. Live everyday like it’s 1999.
  34. Watch the Lion King again.
  35. Have a chat with Ed Morris – he seems like a super cool guy
  36. Get in the news for something that positively defines culture
  37. Go to a gig and get invited on stage to ‘spray the mic’.
  38. Grow plants in my room
  1. Wear socks that actually match
  2. Make more friends…more life-long friends
  3. Get our ‘Black Lives Matter x Monotype’ idea made with the help of SpikeLeeDDB
  4. Go vintage Tommy Hilfiger shopping with Angus
  5. Go to an Arsenal match
  6. Talk to, *ehem*, the Mandem on the block about their dreams and hopefully inspire them to

    reach them.

  7. See my new nephew
  8. Sing a Frank Ocean Cover and put it on Youtube.
  9. Watch The Lion King again.
  10. Spend less time on social media and more time just being social.
  11. Feature in a podcast where I mimic famous people’s accents
  12. Get back to church.
  13. Play 007 Goldeneye on Nintendo64
  14. Have enough stamina to swim a length in a moderately sized pool.
  15. Learn how to sample like Kanye West.
  16. Get to the bottom of why people love Hummus so much.
  17. See Kendrick Lamar live in London

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