6 hats OF MY LIFE

If you come to the SCA one day, you might be a bit surprised: everybody is wearing 6 hats. This is another weird Marc’s policy: for every project you’re doing, put on 6 hats. I was sceptical at first until it significantly improved my work. This creative test, based on different questions, helps me see the weaknesses of my ideas and how to correct them. So, why not apply the 6 hats’ analysis TO MY LIFE?

A person wearing a hat

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Let’s start with the yellow hat then 

In other words: “What’s positive about my life?”

A lot, I’m really happy to say that! I don’t regret coming to SCA for a second. Every day is an opportunity to create, which wasn’t the case when I studied in France. I’m finally beginning to understand the intricacies of advertising and how to create anything but an ad. Every day I learn to manage my time better (which is still my biggest challenge of 2023). And English is slowly becoming my ally, even though I still can’t tell orally the difference between “shit” and “sheet”. 

I’m moving forward and making my own life, like a snail that has finally found its way. 

White hat, let’s wip this one

“What do I need to find out?” 

I need to know all the partner agencies at SCA. A good portfolio isn’t enough, you must show your existence to the right people. But just as urgently, I need to start looking for a new flat. Otherwise, I’ll have to sleep at school. Even if the space is big enough to have sleepovers, I’m not sure the administration will be happy about my squat.

Now, it’s time for a black hat 

“What are my current difficulties? Risks?”

Still a lot to figure out. I am a ‘stressed out, hard on myself’ kind of person. This pressure crushes the playful child I usually am, replacing it with an adult who feels obliged to deal with a whole mountain by herself. I have to forget this adult more often. I also find it harder to write a nice line in English, I’m going straighter to the point instead. It’s not bad either, but I would love to have several cards in my pocket. 

Green hat, youhou

“What are the alternatives/ possibilities that I can do to improve my life?”

READ MORE. This is my new North star. The more organized I get, the more time I’ll free up for reading. I have the annoying tendency to buy a book every time I go to the bookshop. I currently have piles of books in my room that are waiting far too long to be opened! Combined with this new resolution, my entry into comedy school is a great opportunity to be more confident in English. And BIM! Through the sessions, I’ll put the adult down and be a playful child without boundaries.

Red hat, what my guts are telling me? 

My belly warns me. I’m on the right path to improving myself and becoming a better person but I still have a lot to accomplish. I’ve picked up a lot of bad habits over the years that are hard to break. But I will kick them one day for sure. 

Blue hat, my old nemesis, the planner

Make a schedule every day and stick to it, that’s the most important.

The purple hat

This is my purest creation. It reflects the question: “and what do your relatives think?”. The 6 hats method is very effective but it remains subjective, having outside opinions allows us to open up our perspectives.

So here are my family pieces of advice:

  • Eat Better.
  • Drink less.
  • Go on vacation with your family.
  • Join a charity.
  • Drink a hot chocolate by yourself while judging people’s walking.
  • Go to the cinema at least once a month.
  • Do a marathon.
  • Define your inner why.
  • Find your spirit animal.
  • Live in a bigger apartment.


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