63% of the ECDs are bald – By @RomanLapacz
By Roman Lapacz
63% of the ECDs are bald
Ok fine, I completely made that stat up.
But what I’m trying to say here, is that at the SCA, most of us students are working hard in the aim of becoming one of the top ECD of the world.
We want to be compared to Graham Fink, Paul Brazier, Caroline Pay… one of those legend that have set the rules of advertising, and still find new ways of breaking them everyday.
That’s the dream right? I guess I would be happy with that.
But the question I asked my self today is : am I not already?
I wake up everyday to go in a fantastic place, doing exactly what I love and choose to, surrounded by a bunch of amazing peoples. Of course, the point of going to the SCA is to find a job and get paid for doing all that. When I will get there, my meals will be more interesting than bread and butter, and I will have the opportunity to make my ideas happen, to make a difference. But this might take some time, a lot of challenges are waiting for me and while I know I will work my ass off to overcome them, I might loose a lot of hair in the process..
If you still don’t know where I’m coming from here, just take a look at Pete’s and Marc’s head.
So I have to find the right balance now, a way to build myself a career I can be proud and still enjoy the joy and excitement that comes in your 20’s, when you don’t know what the future is made of. Moreover, as Ed Morris told us during his original and inspiring talk, a boxer doesn’t aim at his opponent face, but one feet behind. That means that we should be working everyday to be the best creative person that we can be, and winning the advertising industry is just a step in our life journey. We have to be mindful of the moment, enjoy this process while we can, so that in 30 years we can look back while caressing the smooth top of our head and say “It’s ok, I’v been happy my whole life”. Of course I’m talking from a man point of view here, but don’t worry girls, as a matter of fact women can be bold too.
Anyway, I would like to develop this Scab a bit more but I will end it here, I really need to go for an haircut today..