A POEM WRITTEN BY SCA 2018 ‘JOHN’ – By @rachelm194
By Rachel Morris
To be honest with you, I don’t actually mind writing scabs. In fact, I have over 17 drafts & counting of scabs, but I get so worried about what I’ve written, that I start a new one on the day. Literally searching high and low for some sort of an idea. And then I get paranoid that what I’ve written isn’t good enough, check check check and the clock is going so much faster. I start to get the mindset of ‘who is actually reading these, do people even care, what are they thinking about me, about what I’ve written?
But right now isn’t the case. It’s a poem written by John in one of Dee’s classes. I took the four sheets which we had written things on in groups and made of a poem out of sentences and phrases we’d already written.
I like to take things that people don’t want anymore and make something new. I like to think there is a use for everything, even if other people can’t see it.
If only I had money I’d of quit my job sooner
I’d have spent more time writing than slaying orcs,
traveling the world or traveling time to see those people on the other side
It would have helped me get some sleep last night
Where I’d of dreamed of magic adopted kittens, ITV, and sugar daddies
If only I hadn’t been so drunk, I’d of asked her not to go
Then maybe I’d be more than I am.
This was created in the first 2 weeks. And I think that the process is really reminiscent of what I’ve been doing throughout the year. Coming up with something, listening to my fellow Johns and making something new, from something that I or they couldn’t see.
Rachel x