A ‘Shit’ Week

Despite the title, last week was wonderful. 

Monday – My eyes are functional

On Monday we received two live briefs from agencies, on top of having our book crit on Wednesday, but both were exciting challenges. A relaxing interlude to the day was found watching Pangolin’s showcase, seeing their Glenlivet capsule collection and the Redbreast Irish whiskey bird feeder bottle design, inspired thoughts of product development. Finishing the day watching the infamous car-train chunter past the top floor window.
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Tuesday – My eyes are wet

The day before book crit and I began the morning full of confidence feeling ready to show the campaigns, my partner Rob and I, had worked so hard on. I booked a meeting with a mentor to show them the work and was prepared to make some last-minute changes; what a fool I am. They, very rightly, pointed out the flaws in two of the campaigns and suggested they needed to be redone. The mentor was completely right, and I realised I was suffering from a case of campaign blindness, having been so close to the work I couldn’t see it objectively and see the obvious flaws. *Cue tears of frustration. 

But never mind, into the night we work and re-do the troublesome campaigns.
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Wednesday – Why the hell are my eyes still wet

The day of book crit, dawn? Didn’t see it, was up way before it, making the finishing touches on our book. I was so proud of the changes we made in such a short time, despite Rob having a part-time job he went to sleep later than me and woke up early to get things done (big love to you). The comments are in, oh no, what do they mean? Well, that’s positive! Oh, God? I was racked with worry as to whether we had done well or not. I took the evening off, had a glass of wine, and lit the de-stress candle my mum bought me. Just before bed I thought about receiving the scores in the morning and realised, I didn’t want the night to end. *Cue melodramatic tears.
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Thursday – My eyes are still quite moist

I awoke and wished I hadn’t. *Cue catastrophising tears. Turns out we did brilliantly and got one of the highest scores for our book, (I do realise that all the stress and fear comes from me being too hard on myself). I felt so unbelievably happy and proud of Rob and me. I had a lovely cuddle with Pip and looked forward to my evening. I attended the opening night of Marc Denton’s ‘Shit Show’ at the Jealous Gallery, and what a fantastic evening I had. I got to speak to Mark, his lovely wife Anna, Kate, Dave Dye, old SCA students, Alan and his brother Mike… Too many wonderful people to mention. The art was fabulous and funny, I’ve never been to an exhibition like it. Although the tiny cosmos did get to me, I ate both a GDK and a McDonalds on my way home.

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Friday – My eyes are closed

Feeling pumped up and a tad delicate from the evening before, we had a productive day and did a great presentation. I snapped some cute pics of the Piplet and Ian. Before going home and falling asleep at about 8 pm. 
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Saturday – My eyes are on fire

Saturday was legendary, hopped on the tube to OVO Wembley to watch The Darkness, my favourite band. They did not disappoint. I’ve never seen so much leather in one room. They played ‘… shitting out solid gold,’ and I was reminded of Mark Denton’s exhibition. I was screaming and jumping like never before. At the end of every song huge fireballs were released to the final chord and the heat melted my face. The leather-clad sixty-year-olds around me seemed to be equally as excited. I came home filled with adrenaline and a smile on my face.

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Sunday – My eyes are smiling

I spent the day in bed watching Parks and Recreation, had cookies for dinner and couldn’t wait for next week to begin. 

I wrote this SCAB because this is the reality of SCA, you get stressed, you get tired, but it’s all worth it. Even though some days are tough, you meet amazing people, collect dots and you are proud of your work. I love being here and I wouldn’t change a thing.


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