ANXIETY @twylaliden
By Twyla Lidén
How are you?
Good, how about you?
See you later.
Yeah, bye.
No, showing that you care.
So shallow.
But it’s important.
To be fake?
No, to make people feel seen.
By senseless conversation.
Maybe only for you.
But I only care about me.
Don’t lie.
It makes me feel good to make others feel good.
Well, who cares then.
Because it’s fake.
Stop it.
I’m cynical and I like it.
Well, it doesn’t show.
That’s what I mean.
If it’s hidden, how many others are hiding it?
Shit, you truly are Debbie Downer.
If I’m faking what’s to say everyone else isn’t?
Because you don’t speak for anyone but yourself.
You gotta start listening to me.
Why not?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Your mantra since age 3.
It works.
You sure about that?
That’s a great way of looking at life.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Refusing to change just for the sake of it.
Leave me alone.
I would if I could.