Choose the best professional experience

I have been studying at SCA for 3 months now. I feel that my knowledge and skills are improving more and more every day. I wanted to stay longer to have the full SCA experience thanks to the following two terms. This would have allowed me to compete with the D&AD, to ask for reviews of my portfolio but above all to participate in portfolio days to present and share my work with potential employers. But visa problems did not give me the choice to continue my studies with a 6-month internship to validate my master’s degree.

So I started looking for an internship, ideally in an English-speaking country, but above all an internship as an artistic director. So I started to ask people around me. I first spoke with my parents to get their opinion and for them to give me their recommendations. Following their advice, I contacted a former high school teacher who advised for the universities abroad. I sent messages to former students of my schools (Ecole Jeannine Manuel, ISTC and Sup De Pub). I also asked my comrades who are already working in an agency in Paris. Then I contacted agencies directly asking them if they were looking for an artistic director for an internship from January. I also sought out SCA mentors on a post in an agency to increase my chances of finding an English-speaking agency.

At first, I was rather embarrassed at the idea of ​​contacting or re-contacting his people because I didn’t want them to think it was out of interest. But I was happy to both hear from them and make contact with these talented people. These different messages allowed me to have discussions with a Parisian advertising agency called ROSA PARIS, and with Toufic, an extremely talented mentor who works in an advertising agency in Namibia.

So I try to think about my situation for the long term. I always wanted to achieve a main post in a prestigious agency but at the same time, I promised myself to see as many countries as possible in the world before I died. Joining ROSA PARIS would be a royal opportunity to enter the professional world of artistic direction, but this agency is located in Paris, which would force me to stay in my comfort zone and to work in French. And on the other hand, training alongside Toufic in Namibia would allow me to expand my portfolio while professionalizing in English, I could also discover the countries and landscapes of South Africa but this experience will not necessarily help me quickly join a prestigious agency for my first job.

But my choice can only be made when I have positive responses from these two tracks. I will therefore continue my research and make sure to make the best choice to have a great experience in both personal and professional life. I hope these exchanges with these people have some nice surprises in store for me in the future. What is certain is that after my experience at SCA I now feel ready to work in the professional world.

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