Creative Partners By @liesareoutthere

Ranjeet Rathore

By Ranjeet Rathore


Creative Partners

It’s a going to be momentous in the upcoming week. I’m not talking about whether Marc got a new pair of psychedelic trousers or whether the infamous ‘red sofa’ candidates are revealed. I am talking about our new ‘creative partners’ that we will be working with for our one-week brief and potentially even beyond. Marc mentioned these partners are for ‘life’. Conversely one may even decide they’re incompatible or Marc can veto the pair at his discretion. I began to feel nervous; a nostalgic feeling of being back at school and two captains are picking individuals for football teams and having that fear of being picked last. Having done a degree in BA Advertising, I can honestly say in comparison, SCA’s teaching is much more concise in its approach to creativity. So lets discuss a few key elements of what can potentially create a successful creative partnership:


Motivate each other

Great advertising can be achieved when we respect and motivate each other’s ideas and be able to enhance and promote these ideas without the fear of criticism that can potentially inhibit the team. Avoid using words like:

  • “That’s ridiculous”
  • “That doesn’t work”
  • “Anyone could come up with that”
  • “What’s so original about that?” Etc


Ideas are never born perfect; they need a chance to grow so always remember the saying ‘yes and…?’ 


Pete would say listens actively

In a team good listeners are essential to be able to function effectively. Good teams need team players who can assimilate, process and consider creative ideas and other people’s points of view without debating and arguing every point at the initial stage of a new idea. To be an effective communicator and problem solver of new briefs, team members need the discipline to listen first and speak second so that meaningful ideas can surface.


As Marc says some of your best ideas will come from choosing the right place and time

To inspire creativity, change the scene. Go to Brockwell Park, to Ritzy coffeehouse, or the many restaurants in Brixton. The same old studio places can lead to the same old thinking, so be inventive with the places you go to. There are such great places to be found in Brixton and beyond.


Commitment! We’ve been told many times this will be the hardest year of our lives.

The strongest teams will care about their own work and the team’s work as a whole. They show up every day at the Brix before 9(ish) with this care and commitment that manifests as soon as you arrive. They want to create great ideas, great ambition of work and    work that will make Marc proud enough to pin up on the wall in his house.


Whoever you partner up with, I wish you and your new team all the best with your endeavours for the rest of the year.




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