Creative puberty 👶🏾
I feel like I’m going through a revival period in my life, all thanks to the school. A creative puberty.
The truth is before starting SCA I only used my creative muscles sporadically. Terms 1 and 1.5 were a struggle, as coming up with ideas didn’t feel so natural to me anymore.
I always considered myself creative and growing up, it was one of the things I heard the most about myself, so as I found myself struggling to come up with ideas I was feeling like I had lost that part of my identity. Before joining the school, I was beginning to accept that maybe that part of me didn’t have much space in my adult life, that it could just be a fond memory of my childhood and teen years. That maybe I had to find contentment in continuing to work jobs that I don’t hate and allow me to be surrounded by creativity, even if it doesn’t come from me. That my creativity would only be used in hobbies that I struggle to find the time and motivation for.
However, I feel that the creative child inside of me refused to give up and that’s why I’m now going through growing pains like never before at SCA. It still hurts every time my creative ‘babies’ get criticised or misunderstood but I try to remind myself that it’s all part of the growing process. In the end, the most important thing is that I’m proud of myself.
While I can’t say I’ve produced work that I’m really proud of yet, I can say that I’m proud of myself for trying to revive this part of me that I was losing. My brain never stopped getting random ideas but now I find myself engaging with them and constantly writing notes, even if they don’t relate to the school. And to see my brain working this way again brings me joy.