Creatives are paid to overthink – By @JustObserv1ng

Ashley Davies

By Ashley Davies


Creatives are paid to overthink

I’m speaking collectively because I’m sure most of you can relate.

Have you ever got caught in the youtube trap where you start watching something and through the repeated suggested videos you end up watching something completely unrelated to the first thing you watched? I think its quite similar to the way our minds work. When we think hard on something our minds manage to distort whatever we’re thinking into making it appear very different and making us able to view the original idea in often very different perspective. 

Someone said today ‘creativity can be finding something thats already been created and seeing it in different way’- yeah, pretty true. We’re a curious bunch and we like finding problems in things and we pool all of our resources to be able to sort it out and if you’re anything like me get pretty frustrated when you can’t. 

Overthinking has potential to lead you down some pretty strange paths and often these paths can turn into a bit of a labyrinth but it equally has the potential to make your mind buzz with excitement, possibility and resultantly create change. Think of it as a bit of a superpower – embrace it, harness it and don’t let it get the better of you. You’re your own kryptonite when it comes to this.

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