Day WON of the rest of tomorrow – By @MalouStitz

Malou Stitz

By Malou Stitz


Day WON of the rest of tomorrow

We are all different human beings, but on day one at SCA we all got out of our bed, and for some, propably also our comfort zones. Then we all went to this mysterious place we will call our studio for the next year. We stood, we talked, we listened, we laughed, we learned.. This is the start of tomorrow. We need to WIN every day starting from day one. Learn from every day, progress and make ourselves better than we were yesterday. We are in for a biiig ride with lots of ups and downs, but now that I’ve spent a week with my new class mates I am more than certain of us winning each days as a team. We have already learned so much with, and from, each other. I am gratefull for being a part of this year’s intake, and we all seem to be thinking in a let’s-work-with-each other-and-not-against kind of way. I mean, rough estimates tells us it took 30,000 people to build the Colosseum, two sets of eyes sees better than one etc. etc.

So peeps, let’s win the days as this great team that we already are =D

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