Dislocated Knees and Saying Cheese – By @gringojoe96
By Joe Ribton
Dislocated Knees and Saying Cheese
As a precursor to writing about jobs that scare me, I’d like to send good vibes in Jemma’s direction. As a fellow sportsperson, albeit much less talented, I also had my sporting career cut short by constant dislocations. I know its an injury that you never fully recover from, that sits in the back of your mind and plays on your confidence at times. I can’t remember if you had corrective surgery on your knee, but I remember dislocating my shoulder for the first time after having the surgery and the sense of disappointment and anger that I felt. Good luck and big hugs to you 🙁
In the last week we were all blown away by Graeme Hall’s masterclass, what an amazing catalogue of work and jobs – I was more inspired by him than any other mentor so far, for a myriad of reasons. He had commissioned work with a favourite illustrator of mine, Mcbess, he had changed the whole world with Google SOS (I was about 20 minutes away from the attack on Las Ramblas and the Google alerts kept my girlfriend and I safe), he helped launch the PlayStation 4 for god’s sake. His portfolio is a perfect balance of big, cool, brands and game-changing ideas. However, he delivered the important message alongside his work that we should all do jobs that scare us, and I think I’ve just been offered my first one.
I’ve been taking photography more seriously for about 2 years now, and have completed a few unpaid projects, but have never secured a paid gig, not until last week. I won’t write who or why because they are still making their mind up, but I want them to know that their interest in my photography pushed me to make a website and a showreel, and validated the pride I feel for sharing them with the world. That said, I am TERRIFIED of fucking this up. It’s going to take a lot of practise for me to believe I’m ready to capture this event. But that’s how I know to be excited. I’m only scared because life has presented an amazing and important opportunity, so I’ll let the fear drive me onwards. Do the jobs that put you outside of your comfort zone, make that area comfortable, and grow as a creative.