Empty Brains
My brain is my CPU. When thoughts are swirling around I think of them as taking up a percentage of my CPU. A week at school where 5 briefs were set and each due on the day that they were set.
5 thinking sessions.
5 ideas
5 scamps (maybe some more)
5 stressful periods of rushing to upload a black and white drawing of something a little random.
What do you do when you have no thoughts though, when your CPU is running on but no ideas are taking up any significant amount of running power that nothing sticks. It all feels a little crap. It’s a dark empty space with little things shooting through but really nothing is there. Its small shooting stars flying through and black space of nothing. That’s when SCA comes in and Marc comes in.
We spent the week learning about creative techniques. Different ways you can think things through to try and create something that does stick. Make the idea sticky.
It was challenging. I felt like my scamps on Monday and Friday were solid, where as from Tuesday to Thursday I produced some babies that really deserved to be killed.
It’s a little like how I feel right now. Not totally sure what to write about, not really sure what to say. Earlier in the week when I realised I had to write my scab, I thought about doing a fashion show of SCA students. Then it went onto the different kind of corduroy that is present at school. Come the weekend I hadn’t done either of those two things so I started on a blank page. I thought that I was going to try to do something about mental health and had this catchy tune. Then I thought about trying to write something profound about Home, and belonging. Nothing felt very sticky, again it all felt a bit crap and like Tuesday to Thursday, babies that I’m fairly certain that deserve killing.
One of the things we’ve been taught has been the four R’s. Random has been my favourite R as it resonates with how my brain swirls through ideas and thoughts.
I want to write SCAB SCAB SCAB another 497 times to reach my 500 word count.
Or I could write a blog about my collection of hats. What are the colour profiles, how can I group them in different categories.
How about the experience of taking care of house plants. My house plant Mabel, who I named after my colleague Mabel has been struggling lately and I have stressed over what I can do to help her feel better and thrive.
Now I’m back to empty thoughts, and open field of space. CPU running on low power mode with very little sparking anything. Letting my fingers type away and hope something profound can be extracted.
Boom 500 words.
I personally feel like this was a good learning experience that when I come up with an idea I should try and make something of it before I get to the deadline. Why didn’t I force the corduroy. Silly Alec