Grab And Squeeze
By @zochi9
Grab And Squeeze
Isn’t it interesting how everything works out? Sometimes you feel like you’re on a path that doesn’t lead to where you want to be heading and you don’t know how the hell you even got on it in the first place… until at some point there’s a twist. You turn the corner and suddenly you are where you want to be.
Whilst on my journey, unknowingly heading towards SCA, I would never have guessed that what feels like random events would lead to this point. What started with being referred to the Prince’s Trust team programme and then a mentor mentions a creative course called Commercial Break. I was told about Commercial Break the day applications were closing and I spent the day working on my application form just before the deadline. Whether you want to call it fate or not I was accepted and was introduced to the world of creative advertisement. Having the creative freedom to run wild with ideas whilst having fun was of course not what you would call a ‘job’. It was like finding a rare treasure I didn’t even know existed. After this, I managed to get a work placement at Saatchi&Saatchi, which eventually led me to SCA.
My point is that even though sometimes you might feel like you’re floating around or on the wrong path, make the most of every opportunity that presents itself to you, because it may just lead you to where you want to go.
I also want to share something that my mentor used to say whilst on the Prince’s Trust, and that is ‘Grab and Squeeze’. There are so many times when I look back and wish I had made the most of different situations.
So in the words of Dev, ‘grab and squeeze’ every opportunity and make the most of every moment. One day you’re going to look back and it’s up to you to decide what those memories will be.