Having a Sherry with Rory Sutherland
By MOSH – The Intake of 2014/15
If you were having a sherry with Rory Sutherland in 20 years, where would you be and what would you be chatting about
Nathan: A private island in French Polynesia, discussing the phenomenal rise of jelly consumption.
Nick: On a Virgin Galactic flight, having the first sherry in weightlessness and talking about legalising alcohol in space.
Mojo: Rory and I will be “Rolling down the street, smoking a cigar, sipping on sherry and juice. Laid back… with our minds on our money and our money on our minds”
Marco: Eating some cheddar at Le Meurice, talking about how good it was when there were other cheeses.
James: In prison, discussing what genius ideas he has to get me out after my agency was shut down for advertising anti government propaganda, a serious crime under High Chancellor Cameron III New Conservative regime
Edwina: Sampling cheese to pair with our sherry, from our joint private exhaustive cheese collection. It would’ve taken 10 years to convince him that all cheese is great cheese, but it would’ve been worth it.
Ashley: On Mars talking about Mars bars.
Søren: On Pluto talking about Mickey. And more about how to trick people to make the choice I want them to.
Dounia: At Ogilvy headquarters, 18th floor, 2nd door on the left, talking about my new office’s cherry colour rug and sharing some camembert.
Adam: in a pub on a Monday discussing how life used to be when the weekend was only 2 days long.
Teddy: In five guys arguing over who gets extra chips. That’s right in the year 2045 five guys sell sherry.
Frazer: Petrol station just outside Coventry. Bin liners and bin juice.
Rob: In a digital gutter, looking at the digital stars. Standing in a toilet cubicle in Mexico admiring the coat hooks.
Tom EB: Sitting at number 10 Downing Street he has just became Prime Minister. We discuss his plans to shorten the working week to 4 days. He casually asks me what biscuits are befitting of this momentous occasion. I think he already knows the answer but I suggest party rings. Smiling he pulls a slightly crushed packet from his inside pocket. “Right answer”.
Fiona: In his 3D printed cheddar factory, sharing our passion for food but arguing about wines and French cheese.
Marcella: on a private jet flying to Jupiter, discussing how we are going to conquer the rest of the galaxy
Tom M: Driving mobility scooters, whilst intoxicated, around Central London. Yah boo suck the police.
Pugh: what company we’re going to buy next
Georgia: Cheddar is not the best cheese, and why.
Joel: We’d be in a sock drawer discussing giraffe bile, with Elvis out on the wing. “Fly my pretty, fly!”
Eytan: I’d be telling him about my latest ted talk.
Alex M: I don’t know where we’re drinking it but our sherry will be free refills
Jezza: On Mars, swearing at the idiot who doesn’t have Coca Cola in its restaurant.
Nina: Obviously, Rory will have adopted me as his niece so we will be having our weekly sherry tipple in his (South Kent) flat.
Lawrence: Macao. Foie gras.
Stephen: We’d be in a little restaurant called The Witchery in Edinburgh, eating duck, lots of duck, discussing Cravats and the choice architecture of the wine list.
Duke: sitting in Dads agency (Duke and Mads’ answer to Mother) arguing over which cheese is better, halloumi or cheddar?