Illiterates of the 21st Century @iamvandale

First day of my second year at SCA and my mind is again, blown away.

Even though it felt similar to last year, I’m glad to see that things are actually quite different.

To be fair, having to go through the same process probably was one of my main concerns coming back and redoing the whole course.

Because I have ADHD, I get distracted very easily so when I’m being asked to listen to something I already know, or when I’m being shown something I’ve already watched I tend to drift quite quickly.

(At least I used to because now, I’ve got tips to trick my mind don’t worry I’m cool now)

During Marc’s introduction to the school and the course, he told us about the author who changed his life and the way he used to think.

Alvin Toffler.

Future Shock was apparently the first book Marc ever read and he read it when he was in his twenties. I shit you not.

Anyway. Marc shared two quotes with us, but there’s one in particular which stayed on my mind:

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

I could not relate more to a quote than this one at the minute and I thought it would be right for me to share with you all the reason why from day one.

I’ve been asked or told a few times today about how easy it would be for me to redo the year as I’ve been through the process already.

I kind of disagree. First of all because I believe there’s always something new to be learned, there probably – definitely – are some things I missed last year and there’s always space for improvement.

But mainly, based on what Alvin Toffler said I’m taking this year as a new fresh start. I don’t want to unlearn what I learned last year because I’ve learned mainly about myself, but I’m taking this as a new experience rather than a second similar one.

Which means it won’t necessarily be easier for me than any of my new fellas.

I think we all have personal experience and while some of us have had some in the ad world, mine was here last year.

But we all start from the same point and this point was today.

I’m glad to have met you all guys, you all look sound.
And welcome to all the Sup de Pub ones, fight your way in you won’t regret it. Trust me.

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