It’s just not the same @thefuerst

By Martin Fürst 

Although we are all two months together now, it still isn’t the same as spending your evening with your best mates from home in a pub.
This SCAB shouldn’t offend anybody, you (SCA students) are all great mates, but it’s just not the same, and you know it. At least for those who are far away from home.

A week ago I had a very insightful conversation with best friends and how to handle it. For example in my case, I stuck together with my mates nearly ten years. I even lived with one seven years in a room together. It was a boarding school at the time.

But SCA changes many things, some on purpose some not. Here in London time is strange. It moves much faster than at home. You never have enough of it. Having always the little devil on your shoulder telling you, you should use your time efficiently. Of course, you listen to him. You made your way into SCA yourself and earned it. You better make the best out of it. So you hardly think back and always go forward. A necessary habit to have in this busy city, but it also has its side effects.

In that conversation, I mentioned above we discovered that we hardly speak or write to our best friends anymore. We are not really aware of it. It just happens. When you skype with them, you start talking about your life here, what you do all day, to which party you went, how busy, but also how amazing London is. But there is always this feeling, that they aren’t able to understand you anymore like they used to. Regardless how detailed you explain the situation.

It’s a different world, in which we are all (SCA students) in together.

And when they tell you what’s going on back home, you feel like time is standing still. Nothing changed, it’s still the same.
Maybe they don’t want me to know. Like my Mom nearly didn’t tell me my brother had a car accident because she thought I would worry too much. Damn it, I want to know if something happens.

Or maybe there just isn’t any news to tell. I hope the second.

Also skyping, as great the technology is, but it’s not like sitting with your mates in the pub with a good cold beer. You always have the need to fill in gaps as soon as there is silence. It forces you to talk more bullshit or even end the conversation. I hate Skype, but I’m also gladful it exists at the same time.

So what does this mean for us SCA students? Have we actually lost our connections to our best friends? I don’t think so. We just have to be aware that we are currently in a different world now. Strange, a little crazy, but most importantly a great and insightful one. And sometimes they won’t be able to relate to our problems.

The more important it is that we (SCA students) feel like we can talk to each other. If you experience the same and want to continue the conversation, let’s grab a pint together.

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