It’s Not Stealing, It’s Crowd-Sourcing – By @Norwarican
By Alex Overland
It’s Not Stealing, It’s Crowd-Sourcing
I take tons of notes, but I don’t really read them much afterwards. There’s not much filtering, just anything that drops into my head. On Fridays, many of the things that drop into my head come from classmates, because that’s when we do reflections. In the interest of learning from the past, I’ve revisited some notes from last year. To COUP: I hope I’m doing your reflections justice. If not, I’m sorry for butchering your insight.
- (in reference to the life drawing class) “Chill out and be happy with being shit at something.” Don’t worry too much if you’re not great at all the creative things you try. You do you.
- “If you want to win, just don’t let anyone else win” This was the week Coup d’Etat became COUP, by enacting a… ah whatever. Bastards.
- On losing: the losses are starting to build up, and I can feel it. “I’m starting to think of channeling that frustration into beating the competition.” If anger is what fuels you, embrace it. The Dark Side never hurt anyone.
- (we had our first outsourced reflection slide, improvised) Being thrown in the deep end can hurt, but at least it’s not boring.
- Something about a dolphin-shaped balloon…
- Someone put this up, I think the message was ‘It’s right to be wrong’. The more mistakes you make, the more things you’ll be getting right later on.
- I couldn’t find the slide, but someone had the great idea to read two new magazines every month. Haven’t put it into practice yet, but, you know, just another thing to plan to do sometime.
- Plan shit, get more shit out there.
- This one was about people coming in and ‘un-cracking’ a brief you thought you’d figured out. Think rock-solid, and stick to your guns.
- This comes up quite often: find something you like, and use it as a stress-buster to calm yourself down. Just do what you love. Bring it into the studio if you like.
- Don’t ask opinions of others before you’re set on yours; you’ll end up modifying their thoughts and representing them as yours.
- “… that completely blowjobbed my mind” Ladies and Gentlemen, The Great Jonathan MacDonald. If you’re in for a treat — an eye-opening talk for example — make sure to be alert and attentive so you can pick it up.
- Aspire to have your ads become wall art. Like Guinness. Not to say just craft, but that your advertising ideas are so simple and beautiful that people ignore the fact it was made to sell.
- Having a good idea is a little like being high, worth pursuing.
- Whoever you are, get out. Good ideas don’t come to you when you’re sitting still.
- Show perseverance by getting up early, and respect your work by taking care of your appearance. Tired eyes and polished shoes.
- The struggle of balancing being fun and creative, while having a serious approach so you can succeed.