It’s Such a Beautiful Day
By Nicholas Kugge
It’s Such a Beautiful Day
As I’m writing these lines we are about to hand-in our first one-week brief. More time, means more focus on research and strategy. But also more ideas and more time to kill ideas. There’s nothing wrong with that and that’s not the point I want to make. This SCAB is about how good it is to make, watch or read something that is so unique that you cannot judge it – let me explain.
Last Monday, we had to write a story on a random object. We picked a travel pillow. Jealous, the travel pillow couldn’t stand watching his master going to bed every night with a fluffier pillow than him. He revenged and strangled his owner as he was sleeping on his way back from Disney Land. He became The Blood Thirsty Travel Pillow. Rationally speaking this story doesn’t make any sense but that’s not important. What matters is that it was liberating or as others mentioned relaxing to suspend our own judgment. It’s a bit like improve, whatever you do nothing is wrong.
Later this week I watch “It’s such a Beautiful Day” by Don Hertzfeldt. It’s an animation movie about the meaning of life told from the point of view Bill, the main character. (Here’s a short trailer I’ve never seen anything like it before, even if it’s a recurring theme in films. As I was carried from one absurd scene to the other I searched for references: similar books, films, characters and scenes. I soon realised there was no point judging or categorizing any elements of this film, it was unique. I remained captivated, hypnotised by Bill’s 62 minutes long story.
As creatives it’s easy to stop creating something new. People don’t know how to deal with the unknown, they are scared of change. Let’s not forget how captivating and memorable these original and weird experiences are and how they have influenced us. So let’s do something new today.