Last Minute-aholic
By @AshJBibby
Hello, I am Ashley Bibby and I am addicted to doing things at the last minute.
This scab wont have a profound message or a magical way to fix yourself from doing things at the last minute, it is more of a piece of evidence to see if I held true to my word and stopped leaving things until the last minute. Call it a SCA new years resolution, that by the end of the year I will be more of a first minute-aholic than a last minute-aholic.
In front of me now is an untidy desk full of wires, incase you might not have guessed it, I have left my arduino until the last minute. There is also a stack of books, some well worn and well read, others a little less worn and well not read at all, incase you might not have guessed it, I have left the reading list until the last minute.
You would have thought that I would have learnt by now, after spending a considerable chunk of my life in education with deadlines week in week out, I would be a pro at this, but I’m not. More all nighters on the eve of deadlines than I can count, and always equipped with the same excuse “It wasn’t the best I could have done as I did it at the last minute”.
This year I want that to change. I want the one year older me to have given himself the time to do the best work that he could have possibly done. Then he wont have need to be equipped with the same old rubbish excuses anymore.
See you all at 8:59 tomorrow.
P.S Marc, sorry for the last minute scab, lets hope it doesn’t happen again.