Low Battery: 1% Of Battery Remaining – By @CiRCUStrongman

By Lee Allen



Low Battery: 1% Of Battery Remaining

Half term couldn’t have come any quicker if it was an excitable virgin with confidence issues. The combination of torturing myself through D&AD, going on placement during half term and my deteriorating health (caused by an insatiable appetite for McDonalds, poor sleep, zero exercise and no doubt the toxic Brixton air) had left me, by Thursday morning of each of the last three weeks, unable to get out of bed or ‘having a doctors appointment’.

My enthusiasm was waining, our book was becoming boring and this SCAB was due two weeks ago. The rest time has helped restore my creative process back to normal, ideas are flowing again and old campaigns have been pushed further. We’ve even added a racehorse to our list of mediums.

The rest also did wonders for our collective efforts at Comedy School. The week prior was a low point, littered with forgotten lines and mild sunstroke. We’ve had to pour some liquor for some of our fallen soldiers from the Nanpantan Clan, but for the remainder the time off allowed us to bring our a-game and actually be mildly funny. Even when it involves albinos and radiators.

The half term break also allowed me to avoid impending alcoholism and finally break my streak of having a pint every day, which lasted nearly a month. I didn’t get as much exercise done as I’d have liked but I managed to lift a weight for the first time in three months and go running a up my lengthy corridor a few times, already I’m able to walk up stairs again without sweating.

If I could do SCA again, I’d definitely pay a little more attention to my health. Unless you’re local, I don’t think maintaining a gym routine alongside SCA is realistic, but I think setting aside ten minutes to run every other day would make a world of difference to you, both physically and mentally. Also if anyone from next years intake is reading this, don’t fall into the McDonalds trap. Being tired and short on time (which you will be most of the year) will inevitably lead you towards fast food, but fight the urge. Be warned McDonalds is a gateway drug to failure… you heard it here first.

Anyway, it’s squeaky bum time, we’re on the final stretch and I feel good, der-ner-ner-ner-ner ner- ner.

Take it away James!

Wo! I feel good, I knew that I would, now I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you

Wo! I feel nice, like sugar and spice I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you

[Sax, two licks to bridge]

When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can do no wrong and when I hold you in my arms My love won’t do you no harm

and I feel nice, like sugar and spice I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you!

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