Most wonderful time of the year. By @blazve

Blaz Verhnjak

By Blaz Verhnjak


Most wonderful time of the year

We finally take our precious time to visit grandparents and spend time with loved ones.
Double price tickets for flying home – that doesn’t stop us.
We do our best to make people we care about  happy.
We ask ourselves about people’s happiness from other parts of the world, and try to help people in need.
Making sure that our environment is full of decoration, we try to bring cheer to our environment.
We listen to every different version of song that artists carefully wrote, recorded and remixed hundreds of times, dedicated just for this time of the year.
Being cheesy is finally allowed and social acceptable.
Christmas crackers, mince pies and all the different Christmas food is supposed to be on the table.
Kids believe and we lie to them.
We watch movies we have seen many times and we adore a cookies-addicted-guy with bushy beard.

It could be just another Friday morning. Going to work, taking care about ourselves, ignoring peoples needs and mood – we would have another boring, selfish day we are used to have. Living a day without taking time to stop, we would miss time with our loved ones, we would ignore people crying for help, we wouldn’t care about emotions and definitely wouldn’t clean our apartment.

But yet,
what brought us so far? How does it come, that for this few weeks we care about others much more, we eat food we usually don’t eat for the whole year and we have Spotify Classical Christmas music playlist on repeat? How it come that we crave for making people happy just or especially in this time of the year?

What is the reason we are calling this part of the year ‘The most wonderful time of the year?’

Storytelling is really powerful.

Happy stories.

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