Need to get my skates on. By @Laura_Amelia_

Laura Magee

By Laura Magee


Need to get my skates on.

I’ve really enjoyed this week, I feel like I’ve got into some kind of proper rhythm and routine, finally. I’m discovering what time I work best during the day or at least trying to do this through working out the times that I don’t work well at (straight after lunch being one of them). One thing that’s proving a success is making a big checklist. I write it every morning and work through it throughout the day. They’re the best thing since Warburtons new giant crumpets (which I’m still yet to try, but it doesn’t take much imagination to envisage how good these would be). All this as a whole helps keep stress at bay, making me feel much more relaxed and less overwhelmed.

On Monday over lunch time when I was supposed to be re-watching Richard Wiseman’s London Business forum video for extra sound clips, I accidentally drifted to sleep – this was partly down to that particular sofa being extra comfy. At the time I felt really guilty about falling asleep in the studio, I didn’t really want to associate SCA with somewhere I can sleep, but having said that, despite only snoozing for 20 minutes, it gave me such a good energy boost. Having a nap over lunch should be the done thing if you’re feeling a little tired instead of spending the rest of the afternoon running on low energy – which for me, never leads to the most productive day.

On Wednesday, Jonathan MacDonald blew my mind with his talk about how technology would shape our future. It was incredible to look into what our lives may become, but equally slightly terrifying. I returned to my desk completely stunned. As amazing as technology can be, I’m not sure whether it’s becoming too intrusive and leaving the old fashioned ways of socialising behind – amongst other things. Ben, however told me a great piece of advice for when your mind goes into ‘what’s the point of life?/why came first, the chicken or the egg’ mode, which is, to put an imaginary hat on when you are speaking about one of these subjects and then take it off when you are finished and return to normal everyday life. I just thought this was really nice and much needed at that moment.

Also what’s been lovely, was speaking to Stuart about the storytelling in Strictly Come Dancing this week. I know Marc thinks it’s a really bad show as there are plenty of other great things to watch, but I’m just going to throw it out there, that I love it!  I think it’s got a really nice family vibe and through the theme, music and costumes, they tell a really good story through dance. So, I’m sorry Marc but I have to disagree with you on that one. Anyhow…

As Christmas is coming London is lighting up. With the arrival of the many Christmas markets and fun fair attractions along with them comes the many ice rinks. Have trained as a figure skater for a large part of my life, giving it up back in May to save money for SCA was, at the time, the thing that had to be done, but it also felt like the time was right to move on. I never wanted to be a professional, or be in official shows, but looking back it was that little bit of me time and maybe that’s what I need, I think I’d like to get back on the ice. Part of me worries I won’t be able to do the things I once could, but as it was said, if you can hit the tennis ball perfectly once, you have the ability to do it again. Does skating work the same? There’s only one way to find out…

Many thanks,

Tis the season Coup be Jolly!

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