Plan B – By @sperfys

Federica Martini

By Federica Martini


Plan B

People at my age are usually struggling to reach that BIG DREAM they built for themselves, a life lasting successful career, whichever it is. Most of the time we make a huge mistake, we ignore that our lives may change, our needs may change, we could change. If you stop for a second and you think about it, in the 90% of the cases we dream about a job as it would be perfect for us even if we actually never worked in that certain environment. Let’s talk about advertising for example, in these months I heard people saying that it is the best job in the world, some others just gave up on agencies because of the high stress level to go freelance and so on.

I have a friend, she’s brilliant but with a really fragile personality, she had a dream and she’s studying hard to achieve that goal, but at the end her days are becoming worse day by day. What’s the point if we’re not happy with what we do anymore? Be brave and build another dream!
I feel like I’m a really lucky person because I always had clear in my mind what I wanted, but I never forgot what such of a lunatic I could be, I get tired of people, places, my hair and so on very easily.

I guess that we all should have our plan B, and after Paul Pateman speech I understood that maybe giving up on that big dream for the plan b is the best thing that ever happened to you.
Don’t get me wrong, with plan B I don’t mean something less ambitious, but something that we probably always seen as a passion, or something we just always enjoyed and felt confident about. At the moment I feel kinda excited enough about adland…but at the end who knows?

“Mom I want to be a cartoonist” (cit. me, age 7.)

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