SCA insights in the form of songs: By @pzelizalde

By Patxi Elizalde


SCA insights in the form of songs:

Music is my favorite thing in the world and I listen to it all day everyday. For this reason, my favorite way to reflect on my past experiences and emotions is by going back through my playlists to see what I was listening to at the time. Here are a few SCA insights from the past couple weeks in the form of songs:


Enjoy Your Life – Oby Onyioha (


Especially at this point in the course, “enjoying your life” is crucial to coming up with great ideas. This week, we learned about the importance of entering a ‘child-like state’ before scamping – or doing anything creative for that matter. On day 1 of scamping practice, I feel like I failed to enter a childlike state. My partner and I approached it in a fairly serious manner, with constant discussion and not much solitary scamping time. While we were definitely still able to come up with quality ideas using this method, I felt that we lacked the “playfulness” in our posters, which is so important to grabbing attention and entertaining. In the days that followed, I made a more conscious effort to just say “fuck it” and be a child! Whether it was dancing the robot with DJ, walking around Brixton market with Tom, shooting the shit, in search for something… anything that resembles udders, or playing on the swings and going for a nice walk in the park with Joe, I could feel the clasps on my adult mind growing looser, allowing me to access the more playful parts of my brain which I typically switch off in a school/work setting.


Way of Life – Lil Wayne (


First of all, I love Lil Wayne. Lil Tunechi will live forever (sans dirty sprite). Second of all, this song represents probably my most important realization in the past two weeks: sometimes you just gotta fuck shit up to get what you want. I think this idea was best communicated by both Pete and Mike in each of their presentations. EVERYTHING these guys said in their presentations were important and insightful. However, the thing that really stuck with me was the extent they were willing to go in order to get noticed by the top dogs in advertising. Pete literally submitted his portfolio in the form of a bomb…. That killed me. Anyway, as a somewhat reserved guy who shies away from breaking rules (in a professional setting), this really spoke to me. Before this course, I was an analyst. Everything was done by the book. Everything was straight edge and black and white. Now, I’m finally fulfilling my all-time dream and entering the creative world. While I have absolutely no doubt this is where I’m supposed to be, there are definitely a lot of things I need to get used to.


The Blank Generation – Richard Hell & The Voidoids (


I feel like this song perfectly represents us. The 10th intake. The blank generation… for now. Further than that, I feel it represents the struggle of trying to come up with a name for our weird little crew… a brand. What separates us from the other intakes? Is it our diversity? The fact that we have people from most continents around the world? Our range of skills? DJ? Whatever it is, we’ll have our label soon enough. I just really hope my group’s idea shines bright enough to grab the attention of the rest of our class. I believe!


New Kind of Kick – The Cramps (


No, I’m not talking about drugs. Actually… maybe you could call ‘creating’ a drug. While I’ve been creating my whole life, constantly feeling inclined to express myself on a blank canvas, it wasn’t until SCA that I really developed a hunger for getting bigger and better and more innovative with every single idea. From a side hobby to a profession, I am now in a constant state of searching for that “thing.” That one crazy idea that breaks the mold, that cuts through the noise, that changes the way people see.


September in the Rain – Dinah Washington (


I’m just gonna throw this one in here at the end because it’s fucking beautiful. And there have been some real coooozy days this past September. As September comes to an end, work starts to accelerate, and October starts to show its spooky ass face, I’m ready to fuck shit up (creatively, of course).


London is the Place for Me – Lord Kitchener (


I’m lovin’ it. I’m home.

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