SCA ’til I Die, by @good_yakuza

Zac Mehdid

By Zacharie Mehdid – From the 2015/16 Intake

SCA ’til I Die

I got my first tattoo almost two weeks ago. I always thought that I would never get one. But I did. And everyone was against this idea. ‘It’s irreversible, you might end up regretting getting one’, they said. That makes sense. But I thought:

So what?

I did it for a reason. A reason worth taking the risk.

Plus, it was fun. It is fun. Very fun. So, just for that it was worth it.


‘Stop fooling around, find a job that will get you money and a security. Be reasonable’, they said.

The worst thing that I could do is to live a “reasonable life”… How boring! What a waste… So many opportunities, so much fun I would miss. I want to live my life to the fullest. Doing anything I want. A big dick. The only thing I don’t want to do is being “reasonable”. Limit myself.

Fuck limits.

I can do anything. Everything is possible. And I will take advantage of it.

Anyways, I made this SCAB to talk about my tattoo: SCA’s logo. Now, SCA will be with me until I die. (I love it, it’s so cool!)
Here’s the video of me getting it:

(You can check my other Vines as well)

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