Sterile domination – By @onamaewanani

By Alexis Barbin


Sterile domination


A scab is an alarm that I set at 4AM and that I snooze every 5 minutes during two hours. Every five minutes the same process. Every five minutes the same idiot face that I make when I realize that it was stupid to try to sleep an once more than this and that I’m way more tired than when the last alarm rang.


A scab is a strike on the Central Line that I have been aware of, for hours, for days, and that still can surprise me when I joyfully go out of home and arrive in front of the sad closed metal gates of the subway.


A scab is me arriving late at the School of Communication Art because the expected strike was, mysteriously, still unexpected to me.


A scab is a sexy deadline with whom I love to flirt.


A scab is a book that I mechanically put in my backpack every morning, even though I perfectly know that I will not open my bag during my regular morning tube ride through London and that I will probably not have the time to read it during my day at school.


A scab is THREE books (seriously, why ? I feel like I’m going on an adventure EVERY SINGLE morning) that I mechanically put in my backpack every morning, even though I perfectly know that I will not open my bag during my regular tube morning ride through London and that I will probably not have the time to read them during my day at school.


A scab is a half of a bicycle that is left abandoned in a corner of my living room, that I promised myself to fix and mount three years ago, when I stopped cycling after a perfidious motorbike rider tried to end my life by driving through me (it hurt).


A scab is my parents that I never call.


A scab is fifteen pounds worth of vegetables that I buy then throw away a month later, knowing it was probably not edible anymore (by the way, I created life).


A scab is a entire productive day that I want to start perfectly, a scab is a day that I will spend on the couch, thinking about all the things that I could have done if I started doing them thgirty minutes ago, an hour ago, six hours ago.


A scab is that drawings pile on my desk that I constantly try to avoid.


A scab is procrastination, but you already got that.

I am open to any suggestions. Really.

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