By Marc Lewis
22nd January 2017
The second week of Term 2 is behind us, and we appear to have turned a corner. There is an energy in the studio that wasn’t so prevalent last week. We have done a good job at shaking off the Christmas rust, attacking this week’s briefs with applied intelligence.
On the first day of Term 1, I described SCA as being akin to running a marathon. Or, rather, like running Marathon de Sables.
It is important that we keep running. Work with that momentum. Next week we need to push our ideas further; tighten up the best of them; show the world how much we love craft; and give our ideas the respect that they deserve.
One Day Live Brief
We started the week with a one-day live brief from Freuds. It was satisfying to see how well you did at turning out really good ideas with such a short deadline, and even better to see that you had taken my criticism about your presentation techniques to heart.
You made me feel so proud.
There were a number of brilliantly original ideas, presented with passion.
Now that you know you can do it, let’s do so every time.
Now try to do better.
Clare Bowen
Making things a bit more challenging for you, we scheduled a radio master class from Clare Bowen halfway through your one-day live brief.
Clare shared some great advice on how to write for radio, and I look forward to reading some of your reflections from the session. I know that Clare had a good time meeting you, as she tweeted your praises afterwards.
Let’s show her that we listened and learned, by winning the D&AD Radio brief.
Tuesday & Wednesday
I shared feedback from your Term 1 survey at Town Hall. Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you are thinking, and for thinking such positive things about SCA.
We didn’t schedule any master classes or extra briefs for these two days, because you are already working on three big briefs (PB3, PB4 and the TBWA brief).
We had set a deadline; for you to achieve sign-off on strategy for two of these briefs by your mentors all the way through the process, starting Wednesday with Pete & John, and I am chuffed to see that the majority of you are on track.
I reflected that Slack is helping you to learn how to craft propositions, because you are being challenged to express your thinking, in only a few words, to your two strategy mentors – one of whom is on a different continent at the moment. If you can get your ideas across with these constraints, then it means you are starting to become better at communicating your thoughts and ideas.
What a difference a week makes! This time last week was a bit of a shit shower when you presented to METRO. This week was much better.
Don’t take this as feedback that we were great or brilliant because we weren’t. We were just good – and good is the enemy of great. I would score our work for METRO this week as about 6.5 out of 10.
We need to get better at finding ideas that answer the brief, and that make METRO indispensable to the creative solution. We need to get better at 6-hatting our METRO ideas, even though we only have a 24 hour turn around on these briefs. We need to keep searching for ideas that are truly ‘sticky’.
We need to start seeing METRO as opportunity to add a campaign to our portfolio every week.
However, I promised to put money behind the bar if the work was good enough. You produced good work for the Monday live brief, and for the METRO live brief, so you earned the right to go to the pub on Friday.
Workshop with Victoria Hogg
You went to this without me, so I wasn’t there to watch you or take notes.
So I am even more keen to read your reflections or your notes.
For the third time this week (sorry for not mentioning earlier) we introduced a bit of improv into Town Hall. We made it the last scheduled action each time, hopefully sending you away to work in a playful mood and with your mind warmed up.
Partners for PB5
You have the option of changing partners for this next brief, or you can stick if you prefer. You must decide who you are working with and agree it with them before Town Hall on Monday.
Once you have agreed partnerships, please create a PRIVATE Slack channel using the following format;
Then invite your mentors. When you have done that, I will upload your PB5
It was a good week and some progress has been made. But we need to step up through the gears quickly now. SMPs and scamping needs to become daily hygiene.
See you Monday.