TERM 2 WEEK 2 – By @fentonsaward
By Fenton Saward
Today was a somewhat stressful endeavour. Definitely still getting into the swing of things again after Christmas. Thinks three weeks was maybe one week too long. We were given a brief from Freuds PR at nine-thirty this morning to promote Dubai. We had to pitch at half four in the afternoon, with a masterclass after our briefing.
Masterclass with Clare Bowen. This has been an eye opener for me. Admittedly I haven’t really gone out of my way to revisit any radio ads since joining school due to my preconceptions about them not being as entertaining due to lack of visuals. I was then proved wrong by a number of ads ranging from Bud Light to Ant Pesticide. I’ll put links to the ads below:
Dove: https://www.coloribus.com/
Bud Light – Real Men Of Genius:
Ortho Max – Fire Ants:
Was a great one for Frank about brains which I can’t seem to find unfortunately, featured a man whispering that I’m sure a lot of you remember. Also another amazing drive safe one about how focusing on more than one task whilst driving increases risk. Really great stuff.
This got me thinking. Even though there’s no visuals, what senses can be played on or tricks can be used when just using audio? If anything radio is a huge opportunity to do something more creative, working with only one sense.
We were also shown a short but of footage featuring many a famous ECD speaking in present day of the importance of radio ad, which is something I’ve overlooked. An interesting point from Nils Leonard was to start projects/ideas as a radio concept and think how you can expand that to other mediums. I think this is useful because a lot of radio ads these days just seem to be tv ads with the visual removed. Another great masterclass, thanks Clare!
Spent rest of day working on Freuds PR Dubai brief. Was nervous before presenting as always but when I get up there and start saying a few words it gradually gets easier. Everyone gets somewhat nervous I think, would be psychopathic not too. The calibre of presentations was great today, good work Penguins!
Biggest learning of the day:
Proof read again and again and again (or use something with spell check instead of using notes on my phone)! My scab published today has around three big typos in it which is probably one of the most frustrating things as it’s now stuck on the Internet. Writing this as of Monday so still kicking myself at this current point in time.
I’m sure by the start of next week at the time of this SCAB going live I won’t be wincing quite as much.
Been getting up at five in an attempt to get a seat on the currently overcrowded trains. No train strikes today yet only one direct train the whole morning. Changing at Gatwick is slowly becoming the norm. Thanks southern fail. Still trying to find solution/relevant abruption for this…
Spending the rest of the day re writing propositions over and over again.
Nice little surprise we have an interview day! Small one of three applicants. Was refreshing to see people applying and how they approach it, knowing how I felt when I did mine. Nerves were definitely high but they killed it! If anyone reading this has an interview coming up don’t be nervous we’ve all had to do it and we’re a nice bunch, honestly! Feel free to come grab us before your interview, we’ll probably approach you either way.
Also had Campaign in to interview us on how we’re consuming ads. Lots of questions being asked today, nothing new there.
Today we got our usual twenty-four hour brief from Metro. I usually find these briefs a welcome break from whatever more long term briefs we may be invested in.
This week we were creating content for the new Nintendo Switch games console.
I enjoy the metro briefs as they pretty much always bring exciting love briefs to us. In between doing this also carried on working on our portfolio briefs.
9am first thing pitch to Metro. Still nervous, don’t think I ever won’t be. After this we proceeded to do SCAs version of X-Factor meets improv blues. I’ll let you imagine what that’s like.
Spent up until lunch time working in portfolio briefs again.
Then sat with Ian learning After Effects. Heads up to anyone who wants to join the course and is worried about their design skills, we have the amazing Ian Hands who is our head of craft. Sit with him as much as you can and you’ll learn Adobe products in no time.
Rest of the afternoon was spent with Queen Vic at the Effra Social doing a class on resilience. We also do classes at SCA that don’t directly relate to advertising but help you become more confident in yourself and this is one of those classes.
This morning we did SCA Mock The Week. Another thrilling activity for the stage shy ones amongst us (me included). Room split into two halves. Art Directors against Copywriters to drum up the competitive spirit in us.
Rest of the day working on more portfolio briefs, starting to build up now so time management needs to be on top form.
Five o’clock we did reflections as we do every Friday. This week the subject was on time management. The best advice to myself on this matter is to make lists! Lists work for me as it allows me to visualise my progress and keep track of time.
After this off to our local, the Market House. Marc was nice enough to put some money behind the bar as we’d had a good week. Hard work pays off!