‘The art of’ not selling – By @AliciaCliffe
By Alicia Cliffe
‘The art of’ not selling
We spoke to a wonderful mentor a few weeks ago, Mark a CD from 101.
After getting over feeling star struck, my partner and I reflected on some of the great learning’s he had left with us.
The first and most important is that we should remember that the best advertising is simple. Too many people over complicate. All you have to do is find the truth, the honest truth and communicate it simply.
We all know advertising has one job. Whether that be with humor or facts, we have got to get that product of the shelves. But we often complicate it and lose the essence of what message we were trying to get through in the first place.
It’s easily done. You go round in circles, jump through hoops and often kick yourself to find what you think is best for these poor customers being bombarded will whatever your about to throw at them next.
It becomes a whirlwind, an obsessive few weeks of learning anything and everything you can about a specific brand and group of people.
When you get to a point where you think you might have made progress. You start again. And again. And again. Until, you find something that might be of use to your audience.
But, you forget that no one else knows the research you have done and the connections you have made to get there. Even if your message is clear, are you clearly selling it to your audience?
Which leads onto the second, invaluable lesson.
You have to sell, not just a product or service, but your work to the client. You have to show them these connections, the reasons you’ve done something and why it’s so important.
This week, we forgot that and it was massive learning curve.
‘The art of’ (only joking), selling.
We were so caught up in our idea we forgot that the clients, our classmates and mentors might not understand the parts we missed out. We forgot that just because it sounded simple, didn’t mean it would sell itself.
Talking to mentors and classmates, it’s easy to show excitement and enthusiasm and talk through a process that explains your ideas. Yet it’s also too easy to trim it and condense it, and if that’s done in the wrong way it can have the opposite effect on screen.
So, an invaluable lesson learnt the hard way.
When you think your on to something, make sure you run your script past as many people as possible to make sure nothing is poorly communicated.
Because there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re not able to sell your own idea.