The Bear, Reflection and I – By @GCopywrite

By Gigi Rice


The Bear, Reflection and I 


The Bear sat down underneath the old groaning oak tree. He settled himself in on a particularly comfy root that blocked him from view of the other bears. The oak tree was dark and sprawling, the centre piece of the bears village green. The Bear sighed, the tree leaf canopy took the edge of the August heat and the sun no longer warmed his thick coat up to extremes. He had bought a lemonade in a small glass bottle with him, reflection is thirsty work after all. 

But what to ponder and where to go with such? Reflection is a mighty task, he thought, full of rabbit holes and uncomfortable truths. Much better to go about a busy day where the niggles and naggles of life are kept at bay due to the simple fact that- things just have to get done. But the Bear pushed that habit aside and decided to think. 

He could think about anything really. From the long lonely hours during hibernation to the feeling he got right before the sun sinks away for the night. A tear came to his eye and he quickly dismissed it as he had far, far more important things to mull over. 

For the hottest day of summer, other bears were curiously nowhere to be seen. He listened out for the sound of their laughter and the high pitched squabbles of the youngest over blackberries. But, he drew himself back once again to the task at hand. Think. Think. Think. I must reflect!!! 

Career. Aha! Alas at long last, an ample subject on which to reflect. Goodbye unwelcome thoughts of hibernation and hello strategical thinking. I hasten to tell you that the Bear was underneath the old village oak for more than a good while. In fact, when I checked back as I trudged off to my bed with a belly full of cake, he was still there. 

When the Bear finally opened his eyes, the sky was a peculiar shade that he could only describe as “peach yoghurt”. The grass was damp and droplets had formed like tiny diamonds upon his fur, giving him the most regal of looks. He had done enough thinking now, he understood why he had snapped at Mrs Eel in the post office that morning and how exactly he would ensure that everyone had the precise amount of food to last them through the long winter. 

This was indeed a strange sort of sunset he thought as he strode off over the green home. I watched as the Bear greeted his wife like he had been at sea for many a month. He opened the fridge and paused for a moment. He sniffed the air and then went over to the rubbish bin, examining the contents with the thoroughness of a crime scene detective. I laughed to myself as I walked away. 

Maybe this will teach him, I thought,

The importance of reflection is never to be underestimated, 

But the importance of living in the now, always is. 

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