The mini heart attack – By @Orla27Marie

Orla O'Connor

By Orla O’Connor


The mini heart attack



We got a mystery message from Marc on Sunday.  This is enough to make any SCA students heart skip several beats.  The message stated that we needed to come in early.  This made the vast majority of us have some form of cardiac arrest.  Marc wants us in early!  It must be the next one of his twists and tales, that he keeps up his sleeve just for a rainy day.  I do wonder how he keeps all the spanners that he uses to through in the works up his sleeve, must make his arms very heavy.  But I digress … Getting in early.  
The fateful day arrived all too suddenly.  Marc sat us down and gave us a bit of a shake down.  I do not believe I have membership to the cracked SCA club, yet.  And he stated that he wasn’t talking to just one of us but we would know who we are when he spoke about the issues that have arisen so far.  I couldn’t help but think some of it was directed at me.  I don’t consider myself a lazy person but he was right I can do more.  This week as we attempt to tackle the infinite beast known commonly as portfolio brief 3 I decided I would work harder than I have ever worked at SCA.  To push myself for the last 5 day sprint in this year.  So that next year I know how hard I can go.  Then I can push that even further.  Marc like to compare the journey at SCA like training for a marathon.  To a large extent that is true.  I do make an attempt to run, the fad started about 3 years ago.  Yesterday I ran an 8 min mile, I never thought I would be able to do that.  But now why can’t I do it in 7 mins.  So thats my goals for next year a 7 min mile and to crack SCA.  

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