This is meant to be my final SCAB, by @zochi9

Zoe Jezeph (2)


This is meant to be my final SCAB

I’ve been staring at the screen for a while now, trying to figure out what to write.

Actually, come to think about it, I don’t want to write my last SCAB.

I don’t really know what to share or reflect on. I don’t think words can really define what it feels like to be nearing the end of SCA.

This was probably the first time I was ever able to say I’ve actually enjoyed school.

I think my only worry, about leaving what now feels like a second home, is not being able to find somewhere I’m able to disrupt the norm and create change. At SCA you have the complete freedom to come up with great ideas that would never see the light of day in the real world.

If I could give any advice to the new intake, it’s to remember that you have the freedom to do what you like and to make stuff that you love. There aren’t any rules. Try not to get caught up in the different formulas of what makes a great idea. You’ll know it when you feel it.

And it’s always a great idea if it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Time goes super fast here, so make sure you make the most of every moment. It will all too soon become a memory. I don’t want SCA to become a memory. Though… it’s not over just yet.

It’s not the end. It’s more of a ‘to be continued…’.

I know that wherever I find myself, I will forever MOSH. 

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