Vote for SCA


By MOSH – The Intake of 2014/15


If you were running for SCA Elections, what would your main campaign point be?


Frazer: Free Pentel sign pens for all
Nathan: Morning yoga sessions out on the grass.
Mads: Lower the price on the coffee machine
Annie: Free prints. FREE PRINTS FOR EVERYONE (Although I would vote for Pugh)
Nick: Gladiator fights.
Mojo: If I were running for SCA Elections… I’d get more people like me. 😉
Zoe: Free entry to major theme parks for ‘collecting dots’.
Ben: Some of my best friends are case study videos, but I would ban any future case studies being set. Coming over here and giving us more jobs.
Marco: Napping room
Dounia: No more winter
James: Redistribution of SMPs from the haves to the have-nots
Edwina: an algorithm like they have for dating websites to find the perfect partner as early as possible in the year
Ashley: A ban on all clothes. How can you be creatively free if your genitals can’t be free?
Soren: Freedom the be more creative (to be different)
Adam: a ban on sainsbury meal deals
Teddy: The exile of Nick.
Michael: Cloning tool for Ian
Rob: The Milkybars are on me.
Ed: Free sharpies

JT: Dance Lessons for those who are late


Tom EB: Install photobooths that print out on Pizzas
Clarissa: Free snacks for people with diabetes
Jacqui: Abolish bras.
Fiona: I vote for Marco
Pugh: Fresh air and natural light for all.
Georgia: Equal rights for all.
Charlie: abolish all student fees

Joel: Healthcare and pension plans for the over 35’s

Eytan: Chain Matthew and Harsh-Patel to the front desk during their shifts.
Campaign for toilet seats in the gent’s.
Open-control playlist for the office.
Get Marc to dance whenever town hall starts late.
Recruit a Grammar Gestapo who keep copy in line. Nick will be appointed Head of Discipline.
Have scheduled feedback sessions with Marc after every PB.
Remove the ‘6’ and ‘7’ options on PB voting pages.
Improve the mental health services. Namely Ada needs to be a weekly feature.
Open the MOSH twitter account to everyone in the office. Power to all.


Alex M: Tax on beards.
Jezza: Keep the studio open 24/7.
Nina: Do you know? I know. Dyno.
Lawrence: Lower the gin deficit.

Stephen: Free SMPs

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