What if I Was Playing Ukulele? by @JezzaFonteneau

Jérémy Fonteneau






By Jeremy Fonteneau


For Christmas, I asked to Santa Claus for a brand new Ukulele! Why not? I never been a huge fan of ukulele, and I never been a good player. I just feel that I wanted to try because I absolutely didn’t know how to play anything, and there was this shitty ukulele in the studio that some people were trying to play with. “Trying” because of the quality of this ukulele. I mean, everybody is still asking what is it doing there.

Except me, who liked trying sometimes, but some of my classmates hated me for that. I never knew how to play music with a guitar, a piano, drums, or whatever… Even my vocal cords don’t want to help me on this field. So why not trying a ukulele after all? When everything seems to be lost, you need to go a step further right?

So Santa Claus brought me this amazing little baby.


Thanks Santa Grand-Ma Claus by the way. I’m used to name her “Mamie Jo” so let’s name her this way. It’s kind of a first baby from Mamie Jo to me – that’s creepy. It is crying when I’m touching it, it’s screaming when I’m trying to learn from it and it plays with my patience every single day. It is also hurting my poor fingers. But I love it, as if it was my first child! My first little boy! Yes I know, this post is starting to sound weird. Anyway. I’m playing it every single day. In the morning, I’m just doing some tunes because my flatmates are sleeping at 6 o’clock, and the evening, I’m playing at least 1h. It’s actually starting to work. I don’t know how is that possible but it seems to work a bit. And the best part of it, I really enjoy playing. I’m not a huge player, honestly I’m awful, but I’m learning every single day. I even made a bet with one of my former English teacher; the one who is playing the best at the end of the month is getting a beer from the other. And maybe in a few months, I will play in front of the MOSHERS in the studio. Our intake is named MOSH: make original shit happen. I think at the end of this journey, I would be able to say that I learnt how to play ukulele. Does it sounds like an original shit to you?

So, 4 different things to say:

1st thing, I want to thank Mamie Jo for this amazing gift that she brought to me.

2nd thing, I want to apologize myself for saying who is really Santa Claus. Sorry again.

3rd thing, if my former English teacher is reading, be prepared to be defeated!

4th and last thing, I’m sending a message to every MOSHERS, I need to find a name for this ukulele, would you be kind enough to share some ideas?

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