‘What’s my brand?’ by @k_shepherd_ featuring @caitlin_breeze
What’s my brand?
By Krista Shepherd.
The amazing and wonderful Caitlin Breeze came in on Wednesday to talk about a subject that’s been bothering me for a couple of years now. My brand. Ru Paul always says “if you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else.” Which is how in my opinion we should approach advertising. If we can’t sell ourselves, how the hell are we gonna sell all the cool brands we want to work with?
Caitlin said that a good place to start is realizing what you’re good at. It’s not easy in a school like SCA where everyone tries to be good (no, great) at everything. But I guess it’s about time we not only start realizing our weaknesses, but also our strengths.
Marc announced recently that he wants us to be amazing at writing headlines so from now on until the end of term 3 we will do hundreds of headlines every monday. We put them on the wall and wait for mentors feedback. This monday Mona and I did a campaign for organ donors. We later showed it to Caitlin and she said “That is so bad but I like it.” From that moment on I knew that that is exactly the reaction I want for my work.
So here’s me. I’m a copywriter with a voice. My voice is provocative, funny and I always tell the truth. Peter Souter said that there are 3 ways a brand can speak. It can make people laugh, cry or think. I think there’s another way and that is by shocking them. Which is what I want to do in this industry. Otherwise, where’s the fun?