Wow. Wow. Wow. by @_hunterfargo

Michael Hutton

By Michael Hutton


Wow. Wow. Wow.


Yesterday was the highlight of my year so far.

The charismatic Rory Sutherland gave a talk on behavioural psychology and choice architecture – both areas of life that have always fascinated me.

The insights and viewpoints he shared were remarkable. I could actually listen to him talk all day.

I think we all tend to overthink decisions and ideas in life because of expectant behaviours. Life can be so simple if you care to look at it that way. But we don’t. We add layer-upon-layer of complication because we think it’s what life needs. 

A new product needs one more button. But then it confuses people. We are inherently bad at spotting poor choice opportunities.

Rory urged us to think differently. To think simple.

“The small unexpected things in life are what people value more than the expected.”

For example, an up-to-date copy of Country Life in a private GP’s surgery rather than a copy of Top Gear magazine from 2007.

Or the extra fries they throw in at Five Guys.

Things that one doesn’t expect, but what ultimately provide greater satisfaction to the recipient outside of the generic product/service they were purchasing.

He continued by saying, “there is no intrinsic value of a product, it is only through which lens we see it where the true value lies.”

We are in the business of making this lens for businesses. We add the value to generic products and services. We create the image.

Understanding human psychology is half the battle. Creating something unexpected and memorable is the other.

I want a mind like Rory’s. Best get reading then.

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