A second communal guitar – By @NihalTharoor
By Nihal Tharoor-Menon
A second communal guitar
At SCA we have a cheap acoustic guitar that lies around our studio.
Students can take a break from their work, pluck up the guitar and unwind over their own melodies.
It will come as no surprise that our creative school is home to many talented musicians.
Like many others, music is a massive part of my life. I play guitar and piano, and have played in several bands over the years.
I am always hungry to discover more artists and songs, and never a day goes by that I don’t enjoy these sounds.
I currently play piano in an eight-piece funk and soul band.
Jamming with other musicians is my idea of mindfulness.
If I am deeply stressed or hungover, I need only enter the groove of a song – focus my mind on joining the rhythm and melody – and everything else fades away.
It’s quite special.
As Bob Marley wisely said, ‘when music hits you, you feel no pain.’ Though Bob did fail to mention when the jam finishes your hangover will return full force…
Playing great music involves collaboration.
It requires you listen closely to your partner, just as much as you express yourself. That you draw inspiration from each other and help grow each other’s ideas.
Sounds familiar right?
It struck me as wrong that our school of creativity and collaboration has only one musical instrument on offer.
So I am bringing in a second cheap acoustic guitar.
It is many years old and cost roughly a tenner, but has six perfectly usable strings.
My hope is that the next time two musicians need a break from their work they can trade one creative partnership for another, and fill our space with exciting sounds – perhaps similar to this…