Eminem+Paul Arden Shock Therapy, by @JezzaFonteneau

Jérémy Fonteneau

By Jeremy Fonteneau


This time is mine.

After flying around without actually knowing where I was going.

« I’m back ». As would say Slim Shady.

It’s been a while since I last wrote a proper SCAB.

I don’t know why, this time, it looks different.


I’m driven, my guts are kicking me.

Forcing me to write how I feel. Forcing me to do something.

To be part of the game, to f*** the rules and play with my own.


I’ve never talked about music before, probably because the words and the instruments do the talking for themselves, right?

But this time, the good old king from Detroit and one of his older tracks woke me up.

It isn’t sweet, it isn’t cute, it isn’t something that I was expecting on this 24th of march.

It’s the kind of music Slim Shady used make when he started rapping. It used to be electroshocks.


I probably should not say that, but rap is part of my therapy. Good rap at least.

In less than 7min, it opened my mind, it kicked me in the ass, put fire in my eyes.

It changed everything.

I’m not saying that I’m better than I was two days ago. I’m not saying that I will be in two days time.

And I’m absolutely not saying that listening music is enough to be better. Because it’s not about being better.

It’s all about wanting it more. Being hungry.


Paul Arden wrote « It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be. ».

The only book I have ever read in one day. The only book I would read at least once a week.

And this one is just the one, I’m sorry for not being able to find a way to describe it to you.

To me, it’s not a book. It’s part of my therapy, just like rap.

Just like the Eminem’s track.


I’m an art director.

But apparently, words are my therapy.

And two legends just bring the best out of me.

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