Feed Me – By @joeyfraser95

By Joe Fraser


Feed Me

Bit of a different SCAB today, I kind of want someone to give me a crit.

Not on my ads (Oh Lawd knows they need to be critiqued!) but on my playwriting. I’ve been pretty lax on myself recently, leaving it by the wayside while I’ve been focussing on ads. Good for work, bad for brain. My brain to be precise. Because I love writing and sometimes other people like what I’ve been slaving over so it’s nice to keep it going.

So for this SCAB I’d like some feedback on my latest draft for a new play titled ‘Jam’. It’s about a bunch of odd people stuck in a traffic jam that decide to get over their life problems together. Fun times for all. Feedback in a form of a tweet, DM or face-to-face (the ol’ fashioned way) would be grand. It’s not the whole thing but it’s the bits I’m quite happy with so far. Enjoy!

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