The 15.000 pounds risotto @melinaflp
Learn how to let ideas grow was probably the theme of a long and full week. So much information, so many new, exciting techniques and opportunities waiting for us to explore them. I realized that I don’ t receive the information the moment I am exposed to it, but the moment I start processing and reflecting on it. I find writing the best way to organize my thoughts and create files in my brain to save all those images and documents I kept “downloading” during the week. This scab is a great chance for me to tidy my memory up. Putting down on paper some of the most memorable advice I’ve taken so far, in and out of SCA, will really help me map out some new strategies.
Everything is a process
As we learned from day one, everything is a process, and for me, that means that I should not count on random epiphanies or good luck for anything in my life. I should make things happen through systematic work, self-confidence, and constant improvement. The way I see it, “everything is a process” is directly associated with the “hard work beats talent” moto, because hard work is all about processing, using the proper approaches and “seasoning” with the right attitude.
It is always your fault
This Friday’s master class was absolutely amazing. My notebook was loaded with countless tips and exercises, inspiring work examples and well said motos. The one that moved the most was definitely the one that scared me the most: it is always my fault. Acting like a victim, blaming other people, cursing and then shrugging your shoulders is very convenient, highly tempting and unbelievably childish. Building a character is as crucial as building a portfolio. I want the people I work with to respect me not only for my work but mainly for my standards. Taking responsibility for my own pitfalls and embracing the fact that no one owes me anything will be my number one priority. The world, let alone the industry, is a justice-free zone and the sooner I accept that, the better for me and anyone around me.
Good is the enemy of Great
Makes perfect sense. I won’t survive this year and the ones coming after if I make good stuff. I always hated that word anyway, because somehow it implies mediocrity. It’s the word people use when they don’t want to hurt you with the truth. “How is your risotto?” “It’s good”. Translation: “It’s one of the worst risotto I’ve ever tasted, but I like you and I don’t want to insult your cooking. But it’s awful.” I’m not paying 15 grants to end up with a good risotto. I want people to lick their plates and then go home and have multiple orgasms thinking about my risotto.
Sorry, I said risotto too many times now, I should use a non-culinary example to make my point because now all I can think of is a creamy, savory, mouthwatering risotto. If you suffer from gluttony like myself, I’m sure you understand.