What I have learnt most from Term 1 at SCA.


By Fat Penguin – The SCA Intake of 16/17


What I have learnt most from Term 1 at SCA.


Sophie – I have learnt the importance of having a life outside of advertising. It not only allows you to relax but also collecting dots goes straight back into your work.


Miranda – I have learnt that working at SCA is as much about attitude as it is talent. Getting into the right habits, like good timekeeping, writing and then rewriting lines and looking to do extra things, creates a space for you to expand your creativity.


Naomi – Don’t judge someone until you have got to know them properly. I truly value everyone at the SCA, staff and peers. Manage your time, so important but very difficult. Try and add value to someone’s life with everything you do, it’s a powerful thing. OPPORTUNITY IS NOW HERE. Most importantly have fun, advertising is stressful, you have to learn to chill out and play.


Beth – I have learnt that you need to scare yourself everyday, go out and do things that you have never done before and challenge your work. Also to seek criticism not praise in order to push your work to the limits. It’s truly been such a great term.


Alexandra – There is always a chance to do something great even if you’re an hour from deadline with a 6 or 7 idea. Don’t stop ’til you have to. And most importantly just do YOUR best. Take risks, if it doesn’t pay off it won’t be because you didn’t try.


Arthur – Aim with precision at your audience to find an insight. Then slowly breathe in and out, till you find a fresh solution.


Malou: I’ve learned so much this term. A lot on time management, opportunities and propositions. The thing I’ve learned most about is myself which I believe is just as important in order to understand everything else around you. Coming to SCA is one of the best decisions I’ve made and I’m looking forward to learn even more next term. Merry Christmas


Anam – I learnt the importance of working smart and not working hard. I found I was burning myself out really quickly by not understanding my energy peaks and slumps and timing my work accordingly.


Robyn – I usually have a lot to say in these spaces, but today, upon reflection, I’m going to keep it simple. The following is the foundation upon which all my ‘learnings’ (eww, sorry for the jargon) from term one sit – one which I think we should keep referring back to, at school and once we descend upon agencies. ‘Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken’ – Oscar Wilde.


Tomo – When you feel you have no good ideas, even at the 11th hour, you have to keep going. Trust that a solution is just around the corner. Don’t panic. Keep at it. You’ll get there, one way or another.


Mona – I feel like I learnt more in one term in SCA than in all my years of studies. Learning from Marc, mentors, my fellow Penguins, and from myself and my mistakes. I might not be perfectly on point in English and time management but I swear I’m working on it.

Strive to be better today than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today.


Augustine – I’ve learnt far more than can be summed up in group scab without being contrived. But I will say that doubt makes good work. In the sense that never being happy with my work will only make my work better. I’ve learnt to embrace that self-doubt, rather than succumb to anxiety. But I also mean that we should celebrate doubt in the sense that, as Tony Brignall brilliantly put, every good piece of work comes with it. Trust the species of doubt that makes you unsure whether you’ve cracked it or f***ed it. Good work should keep you up at night.


Rollo:   Above all else you must communicate what you’re trying to communicate.

Let ideas go. Kill those babies.

Be on a constant quest for ‘new’.

Seek criticism not praise.

When you have a great idea, bank it, there are better ones.

Take time to reflect on your successes and failures ala Kolb’s learning cycle.
Lauren: Be more. Be better.

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