When you are the MD or ECD of your own agency, what will your office look like? – By KRAK intake

By KRAK intake 19/20


When you are the MD or ECD of your own agency, what will your office look like?


Jay: Bauhaus, Baby.


Alf: Stacks of post it notes that make all the furniture.


Gigi: Feather trims on everything. A colour palette of pastels,white and gold. Small fluffy dogs galore in their own Wendy house with a drinks trolley pushed by a poodle. You may not enter between the hours of 2-3pm as my beautician operates on me then. The poodle knows how to make spicy jalapeno margaritas.


Lawrence:  Plants everywhere. More jungle than office.


Alice: The walls will be covered in pictures of my own work.


Phillip: The walls will be covered in pictures of Alice.


Squirrel: Ditto.


Munraj: Glass. Everything is made of glass. And white walls.


Alex: An oversized dictionary (I like to break a mental sweat too). And an oil painting of me taking a bull by the horns. That’s how I do business. It’s a metaphor (but that actually happened though).


Chris: Sand Zen garden floor covered in glass, Huge architect table in the centre with a Quad screen computer and  a small picture of my family, one shelf next to the door of inspiration books that have shaped me over the years.


Rolly: A library. I often get inspirations from books. In fact, I’ll make sure my agency is within walking distance to the British library.


Elle: something like this…


Carly: A floor to ceiling window overlooking the Thames, with disco balls hanging from the ceiling and a wall of flowers. And a blue velvet sofa that pulls out into a bed just in case I want to take a nap.


Rachael: I don’t want that kind of responsibility but I love interior design so window walls onto the city skyline, wooden floors and shmancy patterny rugs, plants in the corners and that’s all I care about. Maybe a corner dedicated to unexpected cat visits. More than an office, it’s a lifestyle.


Isabelle: Overflowing with gifts from clients who want to get in my good books. Photos of my good looking family looking slightly pleased with themselves. Original prints by my photographer friends on the walls. A fresh bunch of flowers each week on my antique mahogany desk. A secret door that leads into my private archive.


Ivan: It will be a big room with windows that go from the floor to the ceiling. My table will be a simple vintage black desk. I will have a shelf with my favorite pop culture memorabilia. Oil portraits of Britney Spears, David Lynch, and Lily Allen will adorn my walls. Next to them images of me hanging with important big wigs from the industry. It will very much be a museum-library-studio. There will be a sitting area and a bar. Color scheme will be with with neon bursts of color.


David: No desk there, only pouffes and sofas. Black and white walls with painting on it. And a giant chest to put all the papers. I’ll then add some plants, posters and legos stuffs all around. Which will probably make me spend weeks to make it look right and balanced.


Bastien: Probably a spacious room with a lot of natural light thanks to three large windows mounted on the same wall. A west exposition to get most of the afternoon sunlight, but with some fin curtains to restrain it. An ancient wood floor regularly treated with a good quality wax, adding an agreeable scent. On one side of the room, almost parallel to the windows, slightly turned toward them, a large and solid desk. Two large screens, a classic one, and a retina, some white paper stacks, a lot of black felts, and as many blue BIC pens, carefully ordered on it. The comfortable leather desk chair faces a decent lounge with a sofa and some matching armchairs, on the other side. In the middle of the room, a large working table and overhead, on the wall, a gigantic cork board to stick everything. Last and most important, the best Italian coffee machine, always hot, with an automatic coffee grinder and some Lavazza espresso cups.


Tommy: Harvey Spector meets Don Draper. Think hardwood and floor to ceiling windows. Charles Bradley on the record player. Replace the whiskey with a beautiful tea set and we are on our way.


Katie: It’ll feel like a home away from home, especially as I’ll most likely be spending a lot of time there. Ooh, maybe I’ll have my own mini shaker kitchen and a gorgeous feature wall in a beautiful sage green. I’ll have a library, an amazing desk with all the stationery and a plethora of new notebooks waiting to be written in. Ooh, and lamps. I love lamps. And candles. Also some plants, definitely a cheese plant in the corner, they look so friendly. They’ll be a big cosy rug in the centre so I can walk about in my socks, or barefoot. Molly will have her own bed in the corner so I can bring her into work with me if needs be. I’ll also need music so I can have a spontaneous disco at a moments notice. I’ll bring my record collection with me. Also really fancy the idea of a random climbing wall so I can climb down a few levels and up again if I need a bit of physical activity. I could go on. But I’ll stop there.


Ellie: There will be no office. Only a desk on an island far, far away.


Scarlet Gray:

Oliver: San Pelligrino. There will be no space to sit or work. Just San Pelligrino. Only San Pelligrino.


Holly: I see white, I see gold, I’m seeing glass and gyms and swimming pools, animals some sort of adults play area ( not in a kinky way). I’m seeing honestly quite a typical set up with a holly flare which basically means lots of rich coloured velvet.


Aaron: The heads of all my enemies and a taxidermy of Zelda.


Leanne: Nothing fancy. I just need four walls and a door. My main priority is to make sure I have a space where I can retreat into my mind after a long day of being amazing.


Sean: Don Draper’s office of course. Mid-Century and Advertising–it doesn’t get any sexier.



Marley: Earthy colours all the way with art I’ve picked up in charity shops.



One side of the office looking like this.
On the other side of the room I will have a huge wall full of inspiration.

Jackson Residence 9

Charlie: One large window looking out on a spectacular view and then a wall to wall white board allowing me to draw on any space I desire.

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