2021 SMART GOALS – By @mergalv


Laura Jordan Bambach shared the story of Naomi (Gnome) Taylor with us in a masterclass last week. What an inspiration of self improvement it was! It did make me think and reflect long and deep about ambition, resilience and determination.

After that, Marc told us about SMART goals. And the power of setting them and having them clear and often present on our mind.

2021 is here. And I want to use this new year’s energy boost as a way to focus on my  goals. My goals have been clear from early on in the course, but they felt like an abstract goal to reach, like a very far target that I couldn’t really visualise. Now they’re taking shape in my mind and I want to make sure that the execution phase starts taking place in the upcoming months. Those goals are:

  1. Win at least 2 awards
  2. Be 1 of the top 3 books
  3. To find a placement in a great agency

Then we have got the secondary goals, or let’s call them desires. Some are vehicles to achieve my main goals, and some are rewards, something to look forward to so I don’t go crazy in my quest of hitting those primary goals:

  1. To find a copywriter partner. I’ve found myself working with some great partners during the first quarter. I’ve given my best in all the briefings so I’m optimistic about one of those great people wanting to be my partner going forward
  2. To be able to fly to New York in August-September if covid, the vaccine and placements allows me. This is probably that main reward I was referring to above. I’ve always wanted to go there and I definitely think I’ll deserve some self indulging if the rest of the goals happen according to plan
  3. Because I don’t have time to go to the gym, at least I would love to keep my weight under control until the 31st of July. Sorry body, sorry myself, but this year I have other priorities. I do have the impulse of eating compulsively when I’m stressed but, on the other hand, I’ve been so busy for the last 3 months that most days I barely had any time to eat. So all in all, one has compensated the other
  4. Learn how to disconnect. I thought it was simple, I never had, but I can’t help myself talking with all my friends about the school, briefs and brainstorming 24/7
  5. I would have said to eat more healthy like I say every year, but after the first term where I discovered there’s no way I have the time to cook, even on Sundays (If I don’t want to sacrifice the only spare time that I have). So I think that learning to find some good prep-healthy food brands will help on that.
  6. To be able to say on 31 December of 2021 “fucking hell what a year”

Because hard work beats talent, but talent working hard towards a focused goal…..

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